Different Types of Pool Finishes - Gardner Outdoor and Pool Remodeling

Different Types of Pool Finishes

best pool finish

From white plaster to glass beads, there are many types of pool finishes to choose from. Deciding between the various types of pool finish really depends upon several factors, including how often the pool is used, preferred color and texture, and other considerations. Let’s explore the questions you need to ask to make the best choice for your home.

How Long Will You Remain In the Home?

Five Years or Less

If you think you will sell your home in five years or less, then you may wish to minimize your financial investment. Of all the types of pool finishes available, plaster — the traditional mix of cement and crushed marble — is typically the lowest in cost. Due to its soft mineral nature, it provides a beautiful and smooth finish usually lasts between 8 to 10 years. As with any product, the expected life of a pool’s finish depends upon regular maintenance and chemical balance.

10 to 15 Years

If you like the look of plaster yet want more durability, then quartz may offer the perfect solution. While only about a third more expensive than plaster, this type of pool finish will last up to about 15 years. Quartz is a hard finish impervious to acid so it can be cleaned every 5 years or so.

More Than 15 Years

For the best investment for long-term homeowners, we recommend aggregates such as PebbleTec. Aggregates are a type of pool finish made from pebbles that are naturally tumbled from the ocean or streams, rocks, or glass. Aggregate pool finishes are both beautiful and durable, lasting 25 years or more.

Choosing The Right Texture

Smoothest Feel

If your pool is the center of activity for small children, then avoid large aggregate pool finishes as they can be too textured for tender feet. If the finish is meant for spas where you’ll be sitting and relaxing, a textured finish may not be so comfortable to the skin. So the best types of pool finishes that offer the smoothest texture is plaster, quartz, or Hydrazzo, each with a silky finish.

Finely Textured

If you want a more dramatic and sophisticated look with a slightly textured feel, PebbleSheen may be your best type of pool finish. It consists of tiny pebbles tightly fused together and then highly buffed to create an elegant sheen and finely textured feel.

Dramatic Aggregates

The larger the pebble size (measured in millimeters), the more textured your pool’s surface. If you prefer a rich textured look, then you have many choices in finishing products including PebbleTec, Pebble Brilliance, and Stonescapes.

Design, Vibrancy & Color Matching

A pool is a major focal point of your backyard. Many homeowners want to coordinate colors and designs to complement a home’s architecture or hardscaping features. Pool finishing materials come in a variety of colors, including the ability, in some cases, to match colors.

Choosing Between Types of Pool Finishes

Consider the pool water color you prefer. Your choice will help a pool professional guide you between the various types of pool finishes available and how to combine materials to achieve your desired effect.

Pool water color varies based on water depth, time of day, shade as well as the finish color selected. Water color can differ between the shallow end of the steps compared to the deep end. The same finish in three different pools may create three different colors depending upon pool depth and sun exposure. Keep this in mind if you are shown other pools in the finish of your choice.

As you compare the different types of pool finishes, white or light gray creates a brighter blue color of water. Some consider this to look inviting and refreshing. Finishes with darker blues and greys create a pond-like water effect. Many homeowners like it’s dramatic feel, making sure the pool becomes a focal point in a backyard.

Tan finishes give the water a greenish tinge. While not as popular as the blues, these types of pool finishes are often the perfect color to blend into a yard with foliage and give a lagoon look.

Color is a personal choice – so there is no wrong answer. Just remember our warning – when adding dye to plaster or quartz, it may darken the water color as you desired. However, the finish tends to mottle (irregular or inconsistent appearance of color). You can avoid this issue by choosing an aggregate type of pool finish.

Pricing Pool Finishes

For the best pool finish, you may have to find the right balance between budget, design, and longevity. It is our job as your Pool Remodeling Expert to help guide you through the various types of pool finishes and determine which best fits your needs.

Your job, however, is to stay true to your vision and within your budget.

As with many products, not all finishes are the same. There are many aggregate pool finishes available on the market. Yet, buyer beware. PebbleTec, the creator of the aggregate finish, spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on research and development to create a finish that doesn’t sluff off the walls and end up in your filter. After spending $10,000 or more on a new finish, the last thing you want is bald spots in your pool.

As the saying goes “you get what you pay for.” It’s true for pool finishes. Plus, you’ll live with your final selection for many years.

To find figure out which is the best type of pool finish for you, we recommend an in-home consultation. By evaluating water depth, sun exposure, equipment, and pool usage, we can work with you to choose the best solution that’s customized to your home.